Soil is much more than you think.
The Project
Sustainable soil management requires balancing the needs for human purposes with those for environmental conservation and functioning.
Soil health is currently growing weaker due to human-induced degradation processes, such as erosion, nutrient mining, compaction, acidification, pollution.
As soils in a human timeframe are a non-renewable resource, the role of scientific research is essential for ensuring sustainable soil management through deepening and promoting knowledge in different agricultural and environmental domains.
The project SOILdarity has been designed to make a small contribution to the global effort of guaranteeing healthy and productive soils and supporting its fundamental ecosystem services.
As a twinning exercise, SOILdarity will develop strategies to build on and strengthen the existing research and innovation capacities of the partners in several domains revolving around soil sciences.
Our goal is to successfully develop SOILdarity as an aggregator of experience, knowledge and collaborations on soil sciences and related disciplines, such as water management and precision agriculture. Our ultimate objective is to encourage investment, technical cooperation, policy and education awareness, to promote targeted soil research and enhance the capacities and expertise of the soil scientists involved.
The project focuses on boosting the research and innovation capacity of FCiências.ID – Associação para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento de Ciências (an organisation which includes the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon) and improving its know-how in precision agriculture and sustainable soil management through the knowledge-transfer dynamics established with internationally leading research-intensive partners.
Work Packages