You are never too young to discover soils! Soil care and health are two intertwined key concepts, which nowadays are even more central and imperative as it is no mystery that the ecological transition implies the implemetation of a set of wide-ranging strategies. The young generations, in this sense, are called upon to make an extra effort that should be fuelled by a full awareness. This should raise from a very early age, starting from basic education.

SOILdarity is supporting the online workshop Put your hands in the dirt – Communicate soil science to children which is organised by the project MED-N-CHANGE to collect information about experiences in soil science communication to youngsters. The workshop participants will take up an analysis based on the results of different initiatives. They will produce guidelines (from general recommendations to description of activities, to be defined based on the material we have) for scientists on how to maximize their success of science communication efforts.
The course is totally free of charge !
When & Where

12 October 2022

Zoom Online Platform
How to participate
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Programme | (2 hours, Brussels time)

10:00-10:10 CEST – Introduction
10:10-11:30 CEST – Presentations
- Maria Amélia Martins-Loução from the University of Lisbon (Portugal): “Why is dirty soil interesting?”
- Cristina Cruz from University of Lisbon (Portugal): “I have a mission, I am a soil steward!”
- Apolline Auclerc from the Univerisity of Lorraine – INRAE: “Sharing knowledge on soil invertebrates with the Jardibiodiv tool”
- Alberto Orgiazzi from Joint Research Centre (Italy): “Need for a soil culture, an EU perspective”
- Francois-Xavier from University of Stirling, Scotland (UK): “Communication concepts of soil ecology to the general public and children”
- Pierre Ganault from the German center for integrative biodiversity research (Germany): “Participatory action research in schools to study and protect soils”
- Willy Xylander from Senckenberg research institute Gorlitz (Germany): “Digital media opening an inmersive view into the soil – VR and holograms presenting soil biodiversity”
- Lourdes Morillas from University of Seville (Spain): “A learning videogame to raise awareness on soil biodiversity”
11:30-12:00 – Presentation and co-design of the questionnaire to collect data for the publication resulting from the workshop.